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64 4 Girl Finger Paint Latest Activation Utorrent


As a child, I loved to create. I would spend hours painting pictures on the walls of my room with sweeping brushes and colorful paints. When it came time to be more creative, though, I found myself stuck in a rut. This led me to explore other areas of creativity where my hands could work wonders without having to be tethered by paintbrushes or any other traditional "art supplies". I knew that my hands were the only tools I would require to make magic. One of my favorite things to do when I was in art school was to "finger paint". I would walk around the school campus, asking random people if they would like their portrait painted. If they said yes, I would ask them to stand still while I made a large scribble on their face or arms with black ball-point ink. It was truly amazing how many were willing to let me proceed with this form of "art". After every piece was complete, the subjects always had a big smile on their face and could hardly wait to show off what they had just received. Once I publish my first album, my fingers will be all they need to do the same thing. There's no reason why someone with no artistic talent has to be limited to a "traditional" art form. I want everyone to feel the joy and satisfaction that came from extending their creativity and letting their hands do the work. That's what this CD is all about - It is dedicated to those brave souls who dared to let my fingers perform on them. And most of all, it is for those who feel that there is something they can't do because they don't have the traditional tools of an artist such as brush and paintbox. I hope that my album will inspire you to never give up on your dreams, to have fun, be creative, and use your hands to create. - Tawny Chanur ARTIST'S STATEMENT As an artist, I am fascinated by the human face. Although it is one of the most common subjects in art, it is also one of the most challenging. No two faces are alike. As I work on a portrait, I try to capture each subject’s uniqueness through various techniques ranging from fine lines and delicate strokes to bold washes of color. The goal is to depict the subject as accurately as possible so that the viewer is not distracted by the methodology used to create the piece. I want the viewer to focus on what it is I’m trying to say with my art; this is one of the main reasons why I use subjects that are close friends or family members. I've always had a curious mind. As a result, my paintings usually reflect concepts and ideas that interest me. Although some of my works are more fantasy-based than others, there's always at least an element of realism within each piece; it is important for me to maintain an emotional connection with my viewers even if they don't understand what they're looking at. cfa1e77820

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